The Wessex Neurological
Centre Trust

Charitable Support for the Wessex Neurological Centre

Enhancing the range and quality of patient care and sponsoring pioneering research


Hermitage 2 Paris

Hermitage 2 Paris
Hermitage 2 Paris Hermitage 2 Paris Hermitage 2 Paris Hermitage 2 Paris Hermitage 2 Paris Hermitage 2 Paris

A group of 12 cyclists from Hermitage have ridden 300 miles to Paris for charity

The excited group set off on Wednesday 7th August looking very dapper in their team outfits sponsored by Bow House Wealth Management Ltd, armed with two kilos of homemade flapjacks which they were not sure would last an hour they were so good.  They  arrived in Paris on Saturday 10th August exhausted but thrilled with their achievement and managed to rustle up enough energy for a post race celebratory dinner, Parisian style of course, before returning on Sunday to a grand welcome home of live music and buffet at The White Horse, Hermitage with proceeds from the ticket sales also going to the charities nominated for this charity ride.

This year the team had elected to support The Hampshire and Isle of White Air Ambulance and Smile4Wessex Charities (the Wessex Neurological Centre in Southampton Hospital) as these were charities very close to a number of the teams hearts.

Hannah Benson, one of the sponsors daughter, was injured in a horse-riding accident at work and the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance airlifted her to Southampton Hospital where the specialist staff at the Wessex Neurological Centre looked after her.

The origins of this Charity cycle ride were as result of Chris West, who was involved in a very serious car accident in 2009. It was said at the time, he would never walk again. The same two services looked after him and contributed greatly to his survival. Amazingly ten years on from his accident, Chris has succeeded in riding with the group to Paris this year; a remarkable and inspirational achievement and one that would not have been possible without Chris’s amazing determination and the actions and ongoing support of these charities!

They still have a little way to go to hit their £5,000 target, so please visit their fundraising page HERE 


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