The Wessex Neurological
Centre Trust

Charitable Support for the Wessex Neurological Centre

Enhancing the range and quality of patient care and sponsoring pioneering research


Inside Stories

Want to know how we spend the money you raise? The 'Inside Stories' below give details of the many projects the charity has funded, projects which enhance the range and quality of treatment provided at the Wessex Neurological Centre, or advance our understanding of neurological conditions and their treatment. In addition, we'll be adding articles written by the very staff who are using the equipment and facilities funded by Smile4Wessex, explaining how patients benefit from these projects and the advances they provide. We hope you'll find their accounts of interest.

Intra-Operative Monitoring

Inside Stories

Auto-Tilt Sigma Physiotherapy Chair

Inside Stories

Paediatric Video-Telemetry (PVT) Suite

Inside Stories

S4W Children's Neuro Centre

Inside Stories

Purchase of Panoptic Ophthalmoscopes

Inside Stories

Haptoglobin – Research into a novel new treatment for brain haemorrhage

Inside Stories

Revolutionary Microscope Sheds New Light on Neurosurgery

Inside Stories

Predicting Secondary Stroke - Research

Inside Stories

3D Endoscopic Neurosurgery

Inside Stories

The Smile4Rich Ambulance Appeal

Inside Stories

PLEX Chair

Inside Stories

The Wessex Plasma Therapy Unit

Inside Stories

Brain Pulse Project - Research

Inside Stories