The Wessex Neurological
Centre Trust

Charitable Support for the Wessex Neurological Centre

Enhancing the range and quality of patient care and sponsoring pioneering research


Martin Broomfield's Run Honours Dad's Memory

Martin Broomfield's Run Honours Dad's Memory
Martin Broomfield's Run Honours Dad's Memory Martin Broomfield's Run Honours Dad's Memory Martin Broomfield's Run Honours Dad's Memory

When Martin Broomfield decided to enter the 2015 ABP Southampton 10k, he wasn't just doing so to raise funds for Smile4Wessex, but honouring the memory of his father, Terence, who suffered a brain Haemorrhage in January 2014 and, sadly, passed away 8 days later.

"Well....I successfully completed the ABP Southampton 10k run, supporting Smile4Wessex!  I thoroughly enjoyed it, words here can't express enough how pleased I was to be taking part in such a brilliant race, knowing I was doing something for a cause that means so much to me personally.  I must admit I got slightly emotional as the race was about to begin, thinking about how pleased my father would be if he knew I was doing something to raise funds for people who have helped him.  I'd like to think he was looking down on me telling me not to give up at tough parts of the race, just like I told him not to give up."

And Martin's father was with him all the way, the following images showing his photo proudly displayed on Martin's Smile4Wessex t-shirt.

Thank you for your support Martin, it is greatly appreciated by all at Smile4Wessex and the Wessex Neurological Centre.

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