The Wessex Neurological
Centre Trust

Charitable Support for the Wessex Neurological Centre

Enhancing the range and quality of patient care and sponsoring pioneering research


Kiri's Close Shave for Epilepsy

Kiri's Close Shave for Epilepsy
Kiri's Close Shave for Epilepsy

Having recently undergone surgery for Epilepsy, Kiri MacDonald-Jones bravely agreed to lose her locks for FebBrainairy 2018.

Supporting Kiri was her husband Darryl, good friend Helen Webster, who is also a dedicated supporter of Smile4Wessex following her own life changing surgery for Epilepsy at the Wessex Neurological Centre. Colleagues at Kiri's employer, Lloyds in Andover, turned out in force to give their encouragement, and Lloyds have very generously agreed to match funds raised on the day, bringing the total raised to approximately £2,000. This will be shared between the Smile4Wessex Appeal and the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford where Kiri underwent her surgery.
Thank you to Kiri for such an amazing effort and for embracing her new look, and of course the cold weather!


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