The Wessex Neurological
Centre Trust

Charitable Support for the Wessex Neurological Centre

Enhancing the range and quality of patient care and sponsoring pioneering research


Joanne's Easter Treat

Joanne's Easter Treat
Joanne's Easter Treat Joanne's Easter Treat Joanne's Easter Treat Joanne's Easter Treat Joanne's Easter Treat Joanne's Easter Treat

Joanne didn't choose the easy option when deciding how to spend her Easter weekend.

Inspired by the care her son Robert received at the Wessex Neurological Centre for the severe head injury he sustained last year, she set out on a 25km walk along the Thames Towpath with her cousin Amie by her side, to raise funds for Smile4Wessex.
Braving the rain, which made conditions more difficult, Joanne and Amie encountered ankle high mud along the route, but with the support and camaraderie of the other walkers, managed to cross the finish line in under 4.5 hours.
Having already raised over £1000, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to both Joanne and Amie, for choosing to support Smile4Wessex, and also to congratulate them on their wonderful achievement.

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