Walk, Jog or Run it!
End of season 50 km looped route in some of the Chilterns finest countryside, with historic trails, rolling hills, nature reserves, and fantastic views. At our basecamp in Henley, there’s a Saturday night celebration BBQ, bar & entertainment, with extensive on-site camping & parking options. A route with real variety and some wonderful scenery – and easily accessible from London.
25km options and a 10K loop also available - there’s a Chiltern Ultra Challenge for everyone!
1. Charity Sponsorship – you pay a small registration fee, do lots of fundraising and we cover the cost of your event place!
2. Mixed Funding – pay half of the event place cost yourself, fundraise a bit less and we pay the balance of the event place cost.
3. Self Fund – you pay the full cost of the event place - fundraise whatever you want, with no set target or deadline, and there’s no cost at all to the charity!
For full details of prices and to sign up click HERE