The Wessex Neurological
Centre Trust

Charitable Support for the Wessex Neurological Centre

Enhancing the range and quality of patient care and sponsoring pioneering research


Brave febBRAINairy volunteers raise over £11,000

Brave febBRAINairy volunteers raise over £11,000
Brave febBRAINairy volunteers raise over £11,000 Brave febBRAINairy volunteers raise over £11,000 Brave febBRAINairy volunteers raise over £11,000 Brave febBRAINairy volunteers raise over £11,000 Brave febBRAINairy volunteers raise over £11,000 Brave febBRAINairy volunteers raise over £11,000 Brave febBRAINairy volunteers raise over £11,000 Brave febBRAINairy volunteers raise over £11,000

A total of 11 brave souls volunteered to have their heads shaved for our inaugural 'febBRAINairy' fundraising event, collectively raising a quite incredible £11,182 for Smile4Wessex.

Throughout February (and into March), they each submitted themselves to the buzz of the shaver, and each got a radical new look!

Huge thanks to Nick Ward, Rob Langman, Dave Young, Nick Bowler, Maryam Ward, Mike Powell, Matt Mills, Andrée Westbrook, Richard Perry, Phil Perrott and Nadia Perrott and to all of their very generous sponsors for their amazing support.

febBRAINairy will be back next year, so if you'd like to following in their footsteps and help raise funds for Smile4Wessex then please let us know.

In the meantime, here they all are with their freshly shaved heads (simply click on the main image and then scroll through to see all of their photos)..

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